
Cost-effective management of white-winged (Zenaida asiatica), mourning (Z. macroura), and white-tipped doves (Leplolila cerreauxi) in Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV) of Texas requires an understanding of factors affecting dove reproduction. We measured productivity of these species on 150 woodlots during May August 1994-95. We compared 4 indices of productivity for each dove species among physiognomic and dominant-species vegelation classes, and modeled relationships between these indices and great-tailed grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus) density, grain availability, foliage density, and woodlot size. Mourning doves were least selective with respect to suitable nesting habitat; white-tipped doves were most selective. Woodlands and parklands dominated by Texas ebony (Pithecellobium cbano) and Texas sugarberry (Celtis laevigata) were important nesting hahitats for all 3 species. White-winged and mourning doves used woodlands and parklands equally for nesting. Extraordinary deusities of nesting white-winged doves in 2 woodlots suggests that a few small areas may support large segments of local populations. Our results do not suggest that reproduction of these species is limited by habitat availability, grackle predation. or food availability. Habitat preservation and restoration should focus on woodlands dominated by Texas ebony and Texas sugarberry. and heavily-used nesting areas in native woodlands and parklands should be identified and protected.

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