
Fruits provide nutritional security and help growers to generate income. In order to get good quality produce good agricultural practices should be followed right from the start. Orchards should be monitored for regular water supply, fertilizer applications, crop management, outbreaks of diseases and other environmental factors that govern the quality of fruits. Quality of fruits depends to a greater extent on the ripening and storage conditions of the fruits. There are both external and internal quality attributes that are responsible for obtaining good quality fruit. A grower should be well equipped with the latest technological know-how in order to face challenges in using technologies for obtaining high-class produce. However, there are other factors that are also responsible for the ripening disorders of the fruits. It has been observed that preharvest factors to a greater extent influence the postharvest losses as growers are not aware of the facts about postharvest biology of their produce. Therefore, efforts should be taken to make the growers understand the importance and effects of preharvest factors which control the quality of the produce.

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