
SUMMARYA study of the breeding biology of the Razorbill was carried out on Skokholm (South Wales) during 1971‐73. Birds ringed or colour ringed before the study began provided additional information upon the effects of age on breeding. Mean laying date was delayed in 1972, compared with 1971; the effect is attributed chiefly to stormy weather which upset colony attendance. Eggs were also smaller in 1972. A seasonal decline in egg size (volume) was noted in all three years, attributed mainly to the later laying of young birds. Egg size increased with age, at least up to the fifteenth year. Eggs lost totalled 30% of those laid; 73% of this total was due to predation by Herring Gulls and of Jackdaws. Most losses (45%) occurred during the first 10 days after laying. Of lost eggs, 25% were replaced, usually 14 days after the loss of the original; only eggs laid and lost early in the season could be replaced.Only 7% of the chicks which hatched failed to fledge. Most (62.5%) chick losses occurred in the first week of nestling life, when chick weight was related to egg size. Afterwards, both growth rate and fledging weight were independent of egg size. The chicks fledging early in the season were heavier than later chicks. Failure to fledge was mainly due to a breakdown in behaviour between parent and young, rather than to predation. Breeding success was highest for birds breeding early in the season, most of which were older, more experienced breeders. These laid early enough to replace an egg if it was lost; they produced large eggs, and their chicks were therefore both heavier than average during the critical first 7–10 days of life, and fledged at a high weight. Thus experience accumulated with age, and the ability to lay early in the season are important for successful breeding in the Razorbill.

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