
The phylostratigraphy, taphonomy and palaeoecology of the Late Cretaceous neoselachian Ptychodus of northern Germany appears to be facies related. Ptychodus is not present in lower Cenomanian shark-tooth-rich rocks. First P. oweni records seem to relate to middle Cenomanian strata. P. decurrens appears in the middle to upper Cenomanian mainly in non-coastal environments of the shallow marine carbonate ramp and swell facies which isolated teeth were found partly in giant ammonite scour troughs on the Northwestphalian-Lippe High submarine swell in the southern Pre-North Sea Basin. They are recorded rare in deeper basin black shales facies (upwelling influenced, OAE Event II). P. polygyrus seems to be restricted to upwelling influenced basin and deeper ramp facies mainly of the uppermost Cenomanian and basal lower Turonian (OAE II Event). P. mammillaris is mostly represented during the lower to middle Turonian in the inoceramid-rich ramp and the near shore greensand facies along the Münsterland Cretaceous Basin coast north of the Rhenish Massif mainland. Finally, P. latissimus is recorded by two new tooth sets and appears in the upper Turonian basin swell facies and the coastal greensands. Autochthonous post-Turonian Ptychodus remains are unrecorded in the Santonian–Campanian of Germany yet. Reworked material from Cenomanian/Turonian strata was found in early Santonian and middle Eocene shark-tooth-rich condensation beds. With the regression starting in the Coniacian, Ptychodus disappeared in at least the Münster Cretaceous Basin (NW-Germany), but remained present at least in North America in the Western Interior Seaway. The Cenomanian/Turonian Ptychodus species indicate a rapid neoselachian evolution within the marine transgression and global high stand. A correlation between inoceramid shell sizes, thicknesses and their increasing size during the Cenomanian and Turonian might explain the more robust and coarser ridged enamel surfaces in Ptychodus teeth, if Ptychodus is believed to have preyed on epifaunistic inoceramid bivalves.

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