
Facial landmark localization is important to many facial recognition and analysis tasks, such as face attributes analysis, head pose estimation, 3D face modeling, and facial expression analysis. In this paper, we propose a new approach to localizing landmarks in facial image by deep convolutional neural network (DCNN). We make two enhancements on the CNN to adapt it to the feature localization task as follows. First, we replace the commonly used max pooling by depth-wise convolution to obtain better localization performance. Second, we define a response map for each facial points as a 2D probability map indicating the presence likelihood, and train our model with a KL divergence loss. To obtain robust localization results, our approach first takes the expectations of the response maps of enhanced CNN and then applies auto-encoder model to the global shape vector, which is effective to rectify the outlier points by the prior global landmark configurations. The proposed ECNN method achieves 5.32% mean error on the experiments on the 300-W dataset, which is comparable to the state-of-the-art performance on this standard benchmark, showing the effectiveness of our methods.

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