
Ruthenium dioxide (RuO2) is a metallic rutile oxide with a number of interesting properties. For a long time, it was considered to be a highly conductive normal metal and a Pauli paramagnet. Recently, it was found that the material is antiferromagnetic, with small magnetic moments of the order of 0.05 Bohr magneton and an ordering temperature above 300 K. The presence of magnetic moments should have clear consequences when trying to induce superconductivity in RuO2. We used a selective area chemical vapor deposition method to grow nanostrips of RuO2 on TiO2 substrates. On these nanostrips, superconducting contacts were made of MoGe, and a weak link was fabricated with a Focused Ion Beam. We find that the device behaves as a Josephson junction, including a Fraunhofer-like response to a magnetic field, for distances between the contacts below 70 nm. We estimate the induced singlet coherence length ξ to be about 12 nm, which seems a reasonable number when small magnetic moments are present.

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