
In the present investigation, an attempt was made to improve the dissolution properties of water insoluble herbal active ingredient, Embelin (EBN) by utilizing liquisolid technique, which might offer improved bioavailability. The compacts were prepared using Capryol 90 as non-volatile solvent, Neusilin as carrier and Aerosil 200 as coating material. Mathematical model and 32 factorial design with liquid load factor (X1) and drug concentration (X2) as the independent variables, was utilized to prepare the liquisolid powder systems. The prepared systems were subjected for studying micromeritic properties and possible drug-excipient interactions by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD). Dissolution studies revealed improvement in the drug release properties. Physicochemical characterization of liquisolid compacts by FTIR, DSC and PXRD techniques suggested reduction in drug crystallinity elaborating for the dissolution enhancement. The study reveals that liquisolid technique is a promising alternative for enhancing dissolution characteristics of EBN.

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