
Itrducti Tta pacreatecty (TPE) ievitaby eads t absute excrie pacreatic isufficiecy (EPI) specific recedatis are avaiabe fr eye repaceet i such cases The ai f ur aaysis was t expre the actua EPI repaceet rates ag patiets fwig TPE after a certai perid f tie fr the surgeryethds This retrspective aaysis f ivig patiets wh had uderge TPE re tha 2 years ag was de usig a sipe questiaire t ivestigate the fwig BI prir t TPE 3 ths after TPE ad at the tie f data cecti (i 2022) tgether with the actua uber f daiy bwe veets ad the repaceet characteristics the daiy dse its schee ad subective satisfacti evauatiResuts I tta we btaied data fr 26 ivig patiets with the histry f TPE with their edia fw up f 56 ths (30157) aigat disease was cfired i 69% patiets based histgy a beig tur was preset i the rest athugh aigacy had bee suspected preperativey edia BI decreased fr preperative 274 (191411) t 241 (198337) 3 ths fwig TPE ad edia BI vaue f 255 (212345) was estabished at 30157 ths fr TPE The ea uber f daiy bwe veets was 22 (edia 2 rage 18) ad the ea daiy repaceet dse was 182000 uits f ipase (edia 175000 u rage 0250000 u) at the tie f ur ivestigati Subective satisfacti was reprted by 85% respders ad a ac f satisfacti despite axiu EPI repaceet was expressed by 15% respdersCcusi BI decreased shrty after TPE I the g ter up t 80% f the patiets achieved preperative BI vaues 10% after TPE Due t persistet steatrrhea ad re frequet bwe veets despite eye repaceet 15% f the patiets reaied subectivey dissatisfied after TPE but 85% f the patiets did t perceive eve re frequet bwe veets as upeasat ad were satisfied with their cditi The eed f idividuaied eye repaceet therapy f EPI fwig TPE is evidet.

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