
Let $\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^4$ be a smooth bounded domain, $W_0^{2,2}(\Omega)$ be the usual Sobolev space. For any positive integer $\ell$, $\lambda_{\ell}(\Omega)$ is the $\ell$-th eigenvalue of the bi-Laplacian operator. Define $E_{\ell}=E_{\lambda_1(\Omega)}\oplus E_{\lambda_2(\Omega)}\oplus\cdots\oplus E_{\lambda_{\ell}(\Omega)}$, where $E_{\lambda_i(\Omega)}$ is eigenfunction space associated with $\lambda_i(\Omega)$. $E^{\bot}_{\ell}$ denotes the orthogonal complement of $E_\ell$ in $W_0^{2,2}(\Omega)$. For $0\leq\alpha<\lambda_{\ell+1}(\Omega)$, we define a norm by $\|u\|_{2,\alpha}^{2}=\|\Delta u\|^2_2-\alpha \|u\|^2_2$ for $u\in E^\bot_{\ell}$. In this paper, using the blow-up analysis, we prove the following Adams inequalities $$\sup_{u\in E_{\ell}^{\bot},\,\| u\|_{2,\alpha}\leq 1}\int_{\Omega}e^{32\pi^2u^2}dx<+\infty;$$ moreover, the above supremum can be attained by a function $u_0\in E_{\ell}^{\bot}\cap C^4(\overline{\Omega})$ with $\|u_0\|_{2,\alpha}=1$. This result extends that of Yang (J. Differential Equations, 2015), and complements that of Lu and Yang (Adv. Math. 2009) and Nguyen (arXiv: 1701.08249, 2017).

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