
We report the case of a 31-year-old female with extrahepatic portal vein obstruction. At the age of 16 she had developed hematemesis from esophageal varices. Trans-splenic portography failed to demonstrate the portal trunk, but showed instead well developed collateral circulation. She suffered from repeated hematemesis and ascites despite mesocaval shunt operation and resection of the esophagus for varices. Death resulted from gastrointestinal hemorrhage. Her family history revealed a 30-year-old sister with Takayasu's disease. On autopsy, the portal trunk and the portal vein at the hilus were indistinguishable due to proliferation of hyalinized connective tissue. Cavernous transformation was observed at the hilus. Histologically the presence of the portal trunk and the portal vein was confirmed, but they showed marked sclerosis, and were almost occluded by possible organized thrombus. The cavernous transformation consisted of numerous thin-walled vessels, which were also observed in the medium-sized portal tracts in the liver. The peripheral portal tracts showed no obvious narrowing nor occlusion of the portal vein branches, which are factors usually considered to play an important role in the genesis of portal hypertension in idiopathic portal hypertension. Even though the etiology is not clear, the portal trunk obstruction is concluded to be a significant factor in this case contributing to the development of protracted portal hypertension.

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