
Gold-mining activities have been an issue, especially when it involves in contamination of chemicals, for example arsenic and mercury. However, despite of these hazards, gold-mining activities are still being conducted. This is because the gold is worth, regardless of the problems. Gold-mining, as known needs a very large area of land, or site plant. Vast amount of labor force, mechanical force and fund are a must in order for the mining process to be continued. High demand of gold, made gold-mining industries as ones of the most profitable industries in the world. Thus, this has encouraged another alternative way to extract gold. At the mining site, researchers found that biomineralization of gold by Delftia acidovorans can be conducted. How it is done still cannot be understood. It is said that the bacteria secretes secondary metabolites, Delftibactin as a defensive mechanism against the toxicity of the soluble gold. Researchers try to find another source of elemental gold besides of the earth’s core. The options are either lava of a volcano or ocean. Here, the focus is seawater. The problem of seawater is that its composition still not yet to be proved. Dissolve gold existed as gold chloride in seawater, but in a very small amount. So, the gold separation should be focused, in order to make this process to be a successful one. Factors such as depth, climate, region, temperature need to be considered. If this difference affecting the separating process, standardized seawater composition have to be proposed.

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