
Guinea pigs were immunized with extracts (Pfr) prepared from the insoluble fractions of either human bronchogenic adenocarcinoma (BAC), or squamous cell carcinoma (BSC). After suitable absorption, the anti-BAC-Pfr serum reacted with 6 of 6 BAC-Pfr by immunodiffusion and the anti-BSC-Pfr serum with 7 of 7 BSC-Pfr. These absorbed antisera failed to react with adult organ extracts, fetal organ homogenates, or extracts from tumors of other histologic types. The possibility that the reaction could be related to previously known antigens was ruled out. These antigens were detected in sera from patients with the corresponding tumor, but not in sera from post-operative patients or in control sera. Initial characterization of the antigens showed them to be cell membrane-associated proteins with β-electrophoretic mobility and to be insoluble in 50% saturated ammonium sulfate. Further purification of the antigens by reverse immunoabsorption has been successfully undertaken. Both purified antigens were estimated to have mol. wts close to 63,000.

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