
We study the extension problem on the Sierpinski Gasket (SG). In the first part we consider minimizing the functional \(\mathcal {E}_{\lambda }(f) = \mathcal {E}(f,f) + \lambda \int f^{2} d \mu \) with prescribed values at a finite set of points where \(\mathcal {E}\) denotes the energy (the analog of \(\int |\nabla f|^{2}\) in Euclidean space) and μ denotes the standard self-similiar measure on SG. We explicitly construct the minimizer \(f(x) = \sum _{i} c_{i} G_{\lambda }(x_{i}, x)\) for some constants ci, where Gλ is the resolvent for λ≥0. We minimize the energy over sets in SG by calculating the explicit quadratic form \(\mathcal {E}(f)\) of the minimizer f. We consider properties of this quadratic form for arbitrary sets and then analyze some specific sets. One such set we consider is the bottom row of a graph approximation of SG. We describe both the quadratic form and a discretized form in terms of Haar functions which corresponds to the continuous result established in a previous paper. In the second part, we study a similar problem this time minimizing \(\int _{SG} |\Delta f(x)|^{2} d \mu (x)\) for general measures. In both cases, by using standard methods we show the existence and uniqueness to the minimization problem. We then study properties of the unique minimizers.

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