
Suppose a finite group acts on a scheme X and a finite-dimensional Lie algebra g. The associated equivariant map algebra is the Lie algebra of equivariant regular maps from X to g. The irreducible finite-dimensional representations of these algebras were classified in [NSS12], where it was shown that they are all tensor products of evaluation representations and one-dimensional representations. In the current paper, we describe the extensions between irreducible finite-dimensional representations of an equivariant map algebra in the case that X is an affine scheme of finite type and g is reductive. This allows us to also describe explicitly the blocks of the category of finite-dimensional representations in terms of spectral characters, whose definition we extend to this general setting. Applying our results to the case of generalized current algebras (the case where the group acting is trivial), we recover known results but with very different proofs. For (twisted) loop algebras, we recover known results on block decompositions (again with very different proofs) and new explicit formulas for extensions. Finally, specializing our results to the case of (twisted) multiloop algebras and generalized Onsager algebras yields previously unknown results on both extensions and block decompositions.

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