
Middle ear extension of vestibular schwannomas is not a common occurrence, and only a few cases have been described so far in past publications. We report three new cases of vestibular schwannomas extending to the middle ear and reviewed the literature to specify the patterns of such an extension. We analysed databases of previously published articles to search for additional cases of middle ear extension of vestibular schwannomas and compared them to the cases we have documented. Extension patterns of the tumours were analysed, especially focusing on the extension through the round and oval windows. Middle ear vestibular schwannomas are uncommon tumours and only 13 cases have been published so far. The vestibular schwannoma (internal auditory canal or intralabyrinthine) has to invade the labyrinth first (complete invasion in 88% of the cases, n = 14), before reaching the middle ear. In the majority of cases (69%, n = 11/16), internal auditory canal vestibular schwannomas or intralabyrinthine schwannomas extended in the middle ear though the round window.

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