
The key to the correct diagnosis of shrimp allergy is a qualification to the most efficient diagnostic method and later interpretation of the result. To achieve this, it is necessary to apply a diagnostic strategy relevant to each patient's clinical situation and approach every case individually. In this study the allergen profile of shrimp-sensitized patients was analysed using ALEX2 Allergy Explorer. This study includes 50 adult patients with positive prick-by-prick tests with tiger shrimp bought from the local eco-market and an elevated concentration of IgE specific to the shrimp allergen extract (ImmunoCap). A total of 35 patients with negative skin prick tests with shrimp and not detectable sIgE shrimp in ImmunoCap were included in the control group. All patients had ALEX2 Allergy Explorer microarray test. In the shrimp-sensitized group, 22 patients were sensitized to at least one allergen component of Penaeus monodon, 20 patients were sensitized to crab, and 20 were sensitized to lobster. Only 15 (30%) patients were sensitized to the Northern prawn (Pandalus borealis) allergen extract in ALEX2 and only 12 (24%) to Shrimp mix (Litopenaeus setiferus, Farfantepenaeus aztecus, Farfantepenaeus dourarum). Sensitization to shrimp tropomyosin in the research group was present only in 34% of cases. There may be other shrimp allergen components, not available in ALEX2, which are responsible for shrimp sensitization.

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