
We give an overview of our recent integral-field-unit spectroscopy of luminous extended emission-line regions (EELRs) around low-redshift quasars, including new observations of 5 fields. Previous work has shown that the most luminous EELRs are found almost exclusively around steep-spectrum radio-loud quasars, with apparently disordered global velocity fields, and little, if any, morphological correlation with either the host-galaxy or the radio structure. Our new observations confirm and expand these results. The EELRs often show some clouds with velocities exceeding 500 km/s, ranging up to 1100 km/s, but the velocity dispersions, with few exceptions, are in the 30-100 km/s range. Emission-line ratios show that the EELRs are clearly photoionized by the quasars. Masses of the EELRs range up to >10^10 Msun. Essentially all of the EELRs show relatively low metallicities, and they are associated with quasars that, in contrast to most, show similarly low metallicities in their broad-line regions. The two objects in our sample that do not have classical double-lobed radio morphologies (3C48, with a compact-steep-spectrum source; Mrk1014, radio-quiet, but with a weak compact-steep-spectrum source) are the only ones that appear to have recent star formation. While some of the less-luminous EELRs may have other origins, the most likely explanation for the ones in our sample is that they are examples of gas swept out of the host galaxy by a large-solid-angle blast wave accompanying the production of the radio jets. The triggering of the quasar activity is almost certainly the result of the merger of a gas-rich galaxy with a massive, gas-poor galaxy hosting the supermassive black hole.

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