
A 91-day extended-cycle oral contraceptive (OC) consisting of levonorgestrel/ethinylestradiol 150/30µg for 84days and ethinylestradiol 10µg for 7days (Seasonique(®)) has recently been approved for the prevention of pregnancy in adult women in the EU. This regimen allows for a reduction in the number of withdrawal bleeding episodes to four per year, compared with 13 episodes per year with conventional 28-day regimens. Seasonique(®) was effective in preventing pregnancy in a large (n=1006), noncomparative trial of healthy, sexually active women. In this trial, the overall Pearl index (pregnancies per 100 woman-years of use) in women aged 18-35years (n=621) was 0.76 and the Pearl index for method-failure (compliant use) was 0.26. Scheduled (withdrawal) bleeding and/or spotting remained fairly constant over time, with a mean of 2days of bleeding and 1day of spotting per each 91-day cycle. Unscheduled bleeding and unscheduled spotting was highest during the first few cycles of use and decreased thereafter. Seasonique(®) was generally well tolerated, with a tolerability profile in line with that expected for OCs. Seasonique(®) extends the contraceptive options currently available to women, particularly in those who desire fewer withdrawal bleeding episodes.

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