
Aeromagnetic compensation, elimination of magnetic interferences produced by the aircraft platform, plays a vital role in aeromagnetic applications. Conventional compensation methods are based on the Tolles-Lawson (T-L) model, which accounts for only the manoeuvring interferences. However, magnetic interferences due to other factors, such as currents from electrical systems and movable parts, are found significant in practice. In this study, the authors take these interference factors into consideration, including the strobe light and beacon light, the rudder and elevator. The magnetic interference from constant current is equivalent to the `permanent magnetisation' and has been contained in the T-L model. The interferences due to the strobe and beacon lights are modelled to be proportional to the currents and their temporal variations. The model coefficients can be estimated in advance in a ground experiment. The interferences by the pivoting rudder and elevator are still characterised by the T-L model but in the local rudder or elevator coordinate systems, and the compensated coefficients can be obtained on the ground or in the sky. Onsite experiments both on the ground and in the sky are conducted to illustrate the proposed modelling, and improved compensation results are obtained.

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