
The stress and elasticity tensors for interatomic potentials that depend explicitly on bond bending and dihedral angles are derived by taking strain derivatives of the free energy. The resulting expressions can be used in Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations in the canonical and microcanonical ensembles. These expressions are particularly useful at low temperatures where it is difficult to obtain results using the fluctuation formula of Parrinello and Rahman [J. Chem. Phys. 76, 2662 (1982)]. Local elastic constants within heterogeneous and composite materials can also be calculated as a function of temperature using this method. As an example, the stress and elasticity tensors are derived for the second-generation reactive empirical bond-order potential. This potential energy function was used because it has been used extensively in computer simulations of hydrocarbon materials, including carbon nanotubes, and because it is one of the few potential energy functions that can model chemical reactions. To validate the accuracy of the derived expressions, the elastic constants for diamond and graphite and the Young's Modulus of a (10,10) single-wall carbon nanotube are all calculated at T = 0 K using this potential and compared with previously published data and results obtained using other potentials.

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