
Fur (ferric uptake regulator) proteins are principally responsible for maintaining iron homeostasis in prokaryotes. Iron is usually a scarce resource. Its limitation reduces photosynthetic rates and cell growth in cyanobacteria in general and especially in cyanobacteria that are fixing dinitrogen, a process that requires the synthesis of numerous proteins with a high content of iron. This paper shows that in the diazotrophic cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120, levels of furA mRNA and FurA protein increase significantly in response to nitrogen deprivation, and that furA up-regulation takes place specifically in proheterocysts and mature heterocysts. Great differences in a Northern blot, probed with furA, of RNA from an ntcA mutant relative to wild-type Anabaena sp. were attributable to binding of NtcA, a global regulator of nitrogen metabolism, to the promoter of furA and to the promoter of the furA antisense transcript alr1690-alpha-furA.

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