
Little is known about the adaptor protein FAM159B. To determine whether FAM159B expression findings in rats or mice can be extrapolated to humans, we compared FAM159B expression in healthy tissue samples from all three species using immunohistochemistry. Despite variations in expression intensity, similar FAM159B expression patterns were observed in most organs across species. The most prominent species difference was noted in pancreatic islets; while FAM159B expression was limited to single cells on the outer edges in mice and rats, it was detectable across entire islets in humans. Double-labeling immunohistochemistry revealed partial overlap of FAM159B expression with that of insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin in human islets. By contrast, FAM159B showed complete colocalization with only somatostatin in rats and mice. An additional analysis of FAM159B expression in lean and obese Zucker rats revealed larger islet areas due to increased β-cell mass in obese rats, which was accompanied by a smaller percentage of FAM159B-positive δ-cells per islet area. Beyond the known differences in islet architecture across species, our results point to larger dissimilarities in blood glucose regulation between rodents and humans than generally assumed. Moreover, findings regarding FAM159B expression (and function) cannot be directly transferred between rodents and humans.

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