
Herein, we aimed to use double-labeling immunofluorescence to describe the expression pattern of Calbindin-D28K (CaBP28K) in the mouse cochlea from late embryonic (E) stages to the adulthood. CaBP28K was expressed in the inner hair cells (IHCs) and the greater epithelial ridge (GER) at E17. In addition, its expression was observed in the interdental cells. On postnatal day 1 (P1), CaBP28K immunoreactivity was observed in the IHCs and outer hair cells (OHCs) and was also specifically expressed in the nucleus and the cytoplasm of spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs). At P8, CaBP28K labeling disappeared from the interdental cells, and the CaBP28K-positive domain within the GER shifted from the entire cytoplasm to only the apical and basal regions. At P14, CaBP28K immunoreactivity was lost from the GER; however, its expression in the IHCs and OHCs, as well as the SGNs, persisted into adulthood. The identification of CaBP28K in the hair cells (HCs) and cuticular plates, as well as SGNs, was confirmed by its colocalization with several markers for Sox2, Myosin VIIa, Phalloidin, and Tuj1. We also detected colocalization with calmodulin in the cytoplasm of both HCs and SGNs. Western blot revealed an increase in CaBP28K postnatal expression in the mouse cochlea.

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