
Web portals act as a single point of access to information and services relevant to person's work or personal interests. Market research findings related to Croatian web context report that nowadays horizontal information portals are the most visited sites. Whether they reach their aim of facilitating users’ access to diverse resources and to which extent, remains an open question. In this paper, this issue is addressed by two case studies conducted for summative assessment of Croatian horizontal information portals. Approach assembled expert inspection and user assessment that integrated a number of empirical methods into laboratory-based testing. We report that the results of inspection method were not in agreement with the ones obtained from user test methods. Although differences of this kind have been reported elsewhere, these were not as evident as in these studies. What is very interesting and represents a main contribution of the research is that in both rounds of evaluations this outcome is very sharp and clear. This suggests that we should conduct both kinds of assessments as they seem to be complementary. Evaluation provided some general findings and know-how from the experience and we believe that many readers, both practitioners and researchers, can learn from it.

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