
Environmental context Non-methane hydrocarbons play an important role in the formation of photochemical oxidants such as ozone. We investigate factors controlling the distribution of non-methane hydrocarbons in an urban area of the Middle East. The study highlights the importance of local emissions and atmospheric dynamics, and the limited effect of photochemistry at the measurement site. Abstract Measurements of over 70 C2-C16 non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) were conducted in suburban Beirut (1.3 million inhabitants) in summer 2011 and winter 2012 during the Emission and Chemistry of Organic Carbon in the East Mediterranean (ECOCEM) field campaign. The levels of NMHCs observed exceeded by a factor of two in total volume the levels found in northern mid-latitude megacities (Paris and Los Angeles), especially for the unburned fossil fuel fraction. Regardless of the season, the major compounds, explaining 50% of the concentrations, were toluene, isopentane, butane, m,p-xylenes, propane and ethylene, emitted by mobile traffic and gasoline evaporation sources. Most NMHCs show a distinct seasonal cycle, with a summer maximum and a winter minimum, unlike seasonal cycles usually observed in the northern mid-latitude urban areas. We show that NMHC distribution is mainly driven by strong local emissions and local atmospheric dynamics, with no clear evidence of photochemical removal in summer or influence from long-range transport.

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