
This paper details development of a low-cost, small-size, and portable electronic nose (E-nose) for the prediction of the expiry date of food products. The Sensor array is composed of commercially available metal oxide semiconductors sensors like MQ2 sensor, temperature sensor, and humidity sensor, which were interfaced with the help of ESP8266 and Arduino Uno for data acquisition, storage, and analysis of the dataset consisting of the odor from the fruit at different ripening stages. The developed system is used to analyze gas sensor values from various fruits like bananas and tomatoes. Responding signals of the e-nose were extracted and analyzed. Based on the obtained data we applied a few machine learning algorithms to predict if a banana is stale or not. Logistic regression, Decision Tree Classifier, Support Vector Classifier (SVC) & K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN) classifiers were the binary classification algorithms used to determine whether the fruit became stale or not. We achieved an accuracy of 97.05%. These results prove that e-nose has the potential of assessing fruits and vegetable freshness and predict their expiry date, thus reducing food wastage.

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