
Proton boron capture therapy (PBCT) has emerged from particle acceleration research for enhancing the biological effectiveness of proton therapy. The mechanism responsible for the dose increase was supposed to be related to proton-boron fusion reactions (11B + p → 3α + 8.7 MeV). There has been some experimental evidence that the biological efficiency of protons is significantly higher for boron-11-containing prostate or breast cancer cells. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensitizing potential of sodium borocaptate (BSH) under proton irradiation at the Bragg peak of cultured glioma cells. To address this problem, cells of two glioma lines were preincubated with 80 or 160 ppm boron-11, irradiated both at the middle of 200 MeV beam Spread-Out Bragg Peak (SOBP) and at the distal end of the 89.7 MeV beam SOBP and assessed for the viability, as well as their ability to form colonies. Our results clearly show that BSH provides for only a slight, if any, enhancement of the effect of proton radiation on the glioma cells in vitro. In addition, we repeated the experiments using the Du145 prostate cancer cell line, for which an increase in the biological efficiency of proton irradiation in the presence of sodium borocaptate was demonstrated previously. The data presented add new argument against the efficiency of proton boron capture therapy when based solely on direct dose-enhancement effect by the proton capture nuclear reaction, underlining the need to investigate the indirect effects of the secondary alpha irradiation depending on the state and treatment conditions of the irradiated tissue.

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