
The operation of a differential pump of electromagnetic action operating on the principle of an inductive electromagnetic accelerator is considered. To improve the accuracy of engineering calculations and analysis of the pump, its mathematical model was developed using Newton’s and Hooke’s laws, the method of dimensional analysis, the Reynolds and Froud criteria. The analysis of the mathematical model of the pump operation was carried out and the design parameters that most influence the efficiency of its operation were determined. The problem of improving the operation of the differential pump by increasing the speed of its valves is solved. The dynamics of the relative motion of the discharge valve of the plunger of the differential pump is analyzed, using the mathematical model of its operation. A parametric expression is obtained that determines the operation time of the differential pump valve. On this basis, directions for improving the operation of the pump were found and tested experimentally on a prototype. The dependence is obtained, which allows to draw conclusions about which parameters directly affect the value of the valve operation time: spring stiffness, plunger size, location of the ball relative to the coil winding, friction forces of the sleeve seals, energy loss in valve assemblies. It is established that uniform pumping of the material is achieved by reducing the time to open and close the discharge valve, which is achieved by reducing the weight of the shut-off element. The operation of pump valves with shut-off elements made of different materials has been investigated experimentally. The value of the parameter of the mass of the shut-off element at which the optimal mode of operation of the pump is achieved. By setting the minimum operating time of the pump valve, its performance is improved.

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