
This paper is the Part I of a study devoted to investigating the peculiarities of hydrate formation for the conditions of Turonian and Cenomanian reservoirs. The launch of new gas projects at the Turon and Senoman production facilities in Western Siberia provided a good opportunity to critically analyze the known methods of protecting production, gathering and transportation facilities of the gas field from the formation of solid gas hydrates. The paper presents the experience of implementing a program of laboratory studies of conditions of gas hydrate formation with their subsequent processing and in-depth analysis. The research program covered the area of thermobaric parameters typical for the conditions of Turon-Senoman deposits exploitation with localization of hydrate-hazardous areas in the conditions of technological regimes for full development. The description of laboratory studies is given, in which two gas compositions of Senoman and Turon objects, different variants of mineralization and ionic composition corresponding to formation and condensation water, as well as hydrate formation conditions under changing dosages of basic inhibitor on the basis of methanol were considered. The details of the experiment based on the method of swinging cells and the subsequent analysis of the results of the completed experiments to determine the thermobaric conditions of formation and decomposition of hydrates are given. The main features of the experiment are specified, estimates of the rate of change of the influencing parameters of the experiment on its quality are given. In the process of implementation of the experimental program, the optimal values of these parameters were selected, which allowed us to significantly reduce the variation of experimental results to determine the thermobaric conditions of hydrate formation. It is experimentally established that the temperature of hydrate decomposition is higher than the temperature of its formation at all investigated gas compositions and water mineralization.Based on the processing of an extensive matrix of experimental studies, the calculation dependences of thermobaric conditions of hydrate formation were specified, which allowed to significantly improve the efficiency of prediction and accuracy of calculation of optimal dosages of inhibitor for the Kharampurskoye gas field. In this part of the study, the characteristic thermobaric conditions of natural gas production and collection from Turonian-Cenomanian deposits are summarized, the component composition of the investigated gas and water is described, and the methodology of laboratory tests is described.

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