
Purpose. The purpose of the present work consists in the characteristics experimental determination of the pulsed current transverse distribution on the surface of a sheet non-magnetic metal between the point contacts of the power source with different geometry of their connection under operating frequencies variation. Methodology. The measurements were carried out using methods based on the known positions of electromagnetism. The simulating low-voltage equipment was used, as well as high-voltage power sources with a high level of the stored energy. Numerical processing of the measurement results was carried out using standard programs from the «Wolfram Mathematica» package. Results. The space-temporal shapes of the pulsed current density transverse distribution on the surface of the sheet blank were obtained and analyzed. It is established that the degree of transverse current concentration in sheet metal relative to the center of the system in the operating frequency range of ~ 1.8…22 kHz depends very little on its temporal characteristics. It was found that the level of the transverse current concentration in the conditionally allocated band connecting the contacts of connection depends significantly on the ratio of the width of this band and the transverse dimensions of the contact connection. Moreover, the smallest current is concentrated in a strip whose width is much less than the distance between the contacts (£ 11…16 %). Originality. For the first time, the numerical estimates degree of the current transverse concentration are obtained and the dependence of this parameter on the temporal characteristics of the current, as well as on the method of connecting the power source contacts, is established. Practical value. The research results will allow creating the new more efficient linear tools of magnetic-pulsed attraction of sheet metals, based on the force interaction of conductors with unidirectional currents.

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