
The dynamics of energetic particles in strong electromagnetic fields can be heavily influenced by the energy loss arising from the emission of radiation during acceleration, known as radiation reaction. When interacting with a high-energy electron beam, today's lasers are sufficiently intense to explore the transition between the classical and quantum radiation reaction regimes. We report on the observation of radiation reaction in the collision of an ultra-relativistic electron beam generated by laser wakefield acceleration ($\varepsilon > 500$ MeV) with an intense laser pulse ($a_0 > 10$). We measure an energy loss in the post-collision electron spectrum that is correlated with the detected signal of hard photons ($\gamma$-rays), consistent with a quantum (stochastic) description of radiation reaction. The generated $\gamma$-rays have the highest energies yet reported from an all-optical inverse Compton scattering scheme, with critical energy $\varepsilon_{\rm crit} > $ 30 MeV.


  • We have presented data from a recent laserwakefield inverse Compton scattering experiment designed to identify the onset of radiation reaction

  • We have generated γ-ray beams with the highest energies yet reported from an all-optical inverse Compton scattering scheme, previously limited to below 20 MeV [24,25], and measurable here with a scintillation detector highly sensitive to the electromagnetic shower produced by high-energy photons

  • While the results presented here represent statistically significant evidence of radiation reaction occurring during the collision of a high-intensity laser pulse with a highenergy electron beam, they are not a systematic study of radiation reaction

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Accelerating charges radiate and lose energy. The effective force on charged particles resulting from these losses, known as radiation reaction (RR), scales quadratically with both particle energy and applied electromagnetic field strength. Strong field quantum effects are present even when η ≪ 1 [4,33]; as η approaches unity the impact of radiation reaction on the electron and discrete nature of the photon emission cannot be neglected when calculating the photon spectrum [10,34], and the scaling of εICS with γ and a0 slows. This is known as the quantum regime of radiation reaction. Independent measurements of the γ-ray spectrum and the electron energy after the collision are only consistent when radiation reaction is taken into account, and we find that the internal consistency of these measurements is improved when a fully quantum (stochastic) description of radiation reaction is used

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