
One of the possible ways of creating new drugs is aiming synthesis of compounds previously envisaged activity. Perspective in this area is to obtain complexes based on metal ions and ligands. Purpose : To establish toxikometric characteristics of new biologically active substances - tartratogermanat copper and zinc in the acute experiment. Materials and Methods : Studied acute toxicity in mice and rats under the conditions of oral (o), subcutaneous (s / c) and intraperitoneal (i / p) administration. The toxicity criterion of the test compounds was LD50, which was determined using the probit analysis method. In addition, a number of integrated toxicity indicators were calculated, in particular absolute toxicity, an acute toxic effect zone, a summary toxicity index and etc. The results : According to the results, the LD 50 index of copper-tartratogermanate in mice was 36.88 mg / kg (i / p) 63.78 mg / kg (s / c) and 385.57 mg / kg (o); in rats - 78.16; 135.05 and794.26 m / kg, accordingly. The LD50 index of zinc-tartratogermanate in mice was 87.20 mg / kg (i / p) 167.05 mg / kg (s / c) and 1675.40 mg / kg (o); in rats - 141.57; 236.52 and 2792.45 μ / kg, accordingly. The new compound of zinc tartratogermanat belongs to low-toxic compounds (IV class of toxicity) in conditions of intraperitoneal, subcutaneous and oral administration in two animal species, in the same time-tartratogermanat copper is moderately toxic (toxicity class III). Zinc-containing compounds showed lower toxicity than similar compounds with cuprum. According to the resalts, the variability of the lethal doses for various routes of administration of copper tartrate-hommanate was 1.32-1.60 (in mice) and 1.66-1.92 (in rats) zinc tartrate-germanate, 1.31-1.50 (in mice) and 1.24-1.37 (in rats). Integral safety of the new BAС showes that compounds with zinc were more safety in oral take, while new compounds containing copper were the safest under conditions of injection. Conclusions : A small toxicity of new compounds tartratogermanat zinc and copper indicates the prospects for their further preclinical studies as potential drugs.a.


  • The new compound of zinc tartratogermanat belongs to low-toxic compounds (IV class of toxicity) in conditions of intraperitoneal, subcutaneous and oral administration in two animal species, in the same time-tartratogermanat copper is moderately toxic

  • Integral safety of the new BAС showes that compounds with zinc were more safety in oral take, while new compounds containing copper were the safest under conditions of injection

  • A small toxicity of new compounds tartratogermanat zinc and copper indicates the prospects for their further preclinical studies as potential drugs

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Original research

Нова координаційна сполука цинк-тартратогерманат належить до малотоксичних сполук (IV клас токсичності) за умов внутрішньоочеревинного, підшкірного та перорального введення в обох видів тварин, водночас купрум-тартратогерманат є помірно токсичною речовиною (ІІІ клас токсичності). Доволі невелика токсичність нових сполук тартратогерманатів цинку та купруму свідчить про перспективність їхнього подальшого доклінічного дослідження як потенційних лікарських засобів. Новое координационное соединение цинк-тартратогерманат относится к малотоксичным соединениям (IV класс токсичности) в условиях внутрибрюшинного, подкожного и перорального введения у двух видов животных, в то же время купрум-тартратогерманат – умеренно токсичное вещество (ІІІ класс токсичности). Интегральные показатели безопасности новых БАВ, содержащих цинк, были наибольшими при пероральном приеме, в то же время новые соединения, содержащие купрум, были наиболее безопасными в условиях инъекционного введения. Достаточно небольшая токсичность новых соединений тартратогерманатов цинка и купрума свидетельствует о перспективности их дальнейшего доклинического исследования в качестве потенциальных лекарственных средств.

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