
Strontium partitioning and isotope fractionation between aragonite and fluid have been determined experimentally at low values of the fluid saturation state (Ω) with respect to this mineral (1.1 ≤ Ωaragonite ≤ 2.2), and the measured isotope fractionation has been compared with the results of first-principles simulations. For the latter, Density Functional Theory (DFT) was used for estimation of the equilibrium Sr isotope fractionation between aragonite and Sr2+(aq). The obtained results suggest that, for values of Ωaragonite close to unity, the apparent distribution coefficient of Sr in aragonite (DSr,aragonite=XSrCO3XCaCO3(CaSr)fluid) exhibits values higher than one that rapidly decrease at increasing aragonite growth rate. Under equilibrium conditions (i.e. Ωaragonite=1) a DSr,aragoinite value of 2.7 can be extrapolated. Additionally, for aragonite growth rates rp ≤ 10−8.0±0.2 (mol/m2/s) the Sr isotope fractionation between aragonite and the fluid (i.e. Δ88/86Sraragonite-fluid) shows a constant value of −0.1±0.05‰, whereas it decreases to −0.40‰ when the growth rate increases to 10−7.7(mol/m2/s). The surface reaction kinetic model (SRKM) developed by DePaolo (2011) has been used to describe the dependence of DSr,aragonite and Δ88/86Sraragonite-fluid on mineral growth rate. In this model the best fit for DSr,aragonite and Δ88/86Sraragonite-fluid were 4 and −0.01‰, respectively, whereas the kinetic isotope fractionation factor for Δ88/86Sraragonite-fluid was −0.6‰. The results of first-principles calculations yield an equilibrium Sr isotope fractionation factor of −0.04‰ which is in excellent agreement with the experimental value of the present study. These results are the first experimental measurements of Sr isotope fractionation during inorganic aragonite precipitation as a function of growth rate and the first DFT calculations of Sr equilibrium fractionation in the aragonite-fluid system. The results of this study provide new insight into the mechanisms controlling stable Sr isotope composition in aragonite, which has implications for using Sr isotopes for paleo-reconstructions of natural archives, particularly those of abiogenic origin.

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