
A quantum-cascade-laser-absorption-spectroscopy (QCLAS) diagnostic was used to characterize post-detonation fireballs of RP-80 detonators via measurements of temperature, pressure, and CO column pressure at a repetition rate of 1 MHz. Scanned-wavelength direct-absorption spectroscopy was used to measure CO absorbance spectra near 2008.5 cm−1 which are dominated by the P(0,31), P(2,20), and P(3,14) transitions. Line-of-sight (LOS) measurements were acquired 51 and 91 mm above the detonator surface. Three strategies were employed to facilitate interpretation of the LAS measurements in this highly nonuniform environment and to evaluate the accuracy of four post-detonation fireball models: (1) High-energy transitions were used to deliberately bias the measurements to the high-temperature outer shell, (2) a novel dual-zone absorption model was used to extract temperature, pressure, and CO measurements in two distinct regions of the fireball at times where pressure variations along the LOS were pronounced, and (3) the LAS measurements were compared with synthetic LAS measurements produced using the simulated distributions of temperature, pressure, and gas composition predicted by reactive CFD modeling. The results indicate that the QCLAS diagnostic provides high-fidelity data for evaluating post-detonation fireball models, and that assumptions regarding thermochemical equilibrium and carbon freeze-out during expansion of detonation gases have a large impact on the predicted chemical composition of the fireball.

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