
Experience with 1,360 primary parotid tumors seen at the Mayo Clinic during two fifteen year periods, 1940 through 1954 and 1955 through 1969, is reviewed. A comparison of histopathologic classification, type of treatment indicated, recurrence rates, and survival in the two periods reveals considerably greater understanding of all factors in the later fifteen year period. The relatively high mortality still encountered among patients with high grade malignant tumors of the parotid glands indicates the nature of the challenge still to be met. Based on the data in this study, it is our opinion that superficial or total conservative parotidectomy is best employed primarily for benign tumors and that the shift to more radical operative procedures should continue in the management of malignant tumors, especially those that are less well differentiated. For experienced surgeons, exceptions might be the small superficially located tumors or the tumors in the lower pole of the gland such as Warthin's tumors. Local excision with removal of a margin of parotid parenchyma might be justifiable in such cases.

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