
This part of the article briefly analyzes the current and future development of the electricity sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030. The continuing trend of the predominant use of natural gas as a fuel in the production of electric and thermal energy in thermal power plants (TPPs) is established and marks the need for technological complexity of future mining, processing of natural gas with a promising multicomponent gas–condensate, oil–gas–condensate deposits of hydrocarbons, and the creation of modern gas chemical complexes. The data on the remaining significant emissions of harmful substances into the environment of TPPs are given. Using renewable energy resources of the country, in the priority order of hydropower resources of natural and artificial watercourses, is necessary. The experience of the use of hydropower resources of water–energy tract of a complex purpose, created earlier in the Samarkand region, is important. The volume of electricity generation data operated by hydroelectric power plants on the path and the volume of natural gas savings are shown. The influence of hydrological regimes of the water–energy tract on monthly power generation is shown. The possibility of the further development of hydropower potential usage of the water–energy tract through the construction of new small hydropower plants is shown. Upon analysis of hydrological regimes, using a water supply by a water–power path, the differentiation of the number of hours of use of promising small hydropower plants is established. The necessity to search for technologies and technical solutions to ensure uniform power generation all year round by promising small hydropower plants is substantiated.

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