
ABSTRACTChanges in tomato fruit expansion rate and carbohydrate content have been assessed during treatments designed to alter the carbon import rate. Because fruit expansion is sensitive to plant water status, the relationship with carbon import is difficult to assess, and thus, the diameter growth rate of young fruit was measured on plants maintained at positive water potentials. The detached top metre of a tomato plant was supplied with water, through the cut stem base, at a pressure of 0.08 MPa. Developing fruit on the stem continued to grow at high rates for up to 2 d. Fruit diameter growth rate after plant detachment was directly proportional to temperature. Plants acclimated to different continuous irradiances for 5 d before detachment gave fruit growth rates after plant detachment which were directly proportional to the irradiance up to 7 MJ m−2d−1 photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). In continuous darkness, fruit growth rate remained unchanged for 20 h and then declined to less than 40% of the original rate over the following 30 h. On re‐exposure to light, about 5 h elapsed before fruit growth rate increased but the growth rate stabilized at approximately 50% of the rate in continuously illuminated plants. During darkness, both fruit starch and hexose content decreased in comparison to illuminated controls, but on re‐illumination, carbohydrate content increased before carbon was allocated to structural growth. Heat‐killing the phloem of the fruit pedicel caused an immediate, but temporary, cessation of growth. After a partial recovery, expansion growth continued, but more slowly than in untreated fruit and at steadily declining rates. Starch and hexose sugars were not used to provide substrates for growth and starch synthesis was maintained. Continuing cell expansion was assumed to have been supported by water import via the xylem. Thus, fruit expansion may be related to carbon accumulation in most circumstances, but the changing allocation of imported carbon to storage and cell expansion may modify this relationship.

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