
Witheverypassingsecondsocialnetworkcommunityisgrowingrapidly,becauseofthat,attackershaveshownkeeninterestinthesekindsofplatformsandwanttodistributemischievouscontentsontheseplatforms.Withthefocus on introducing new set of characteristics and features forcounteractivemeasures,agreatdealofstudieshasresearchedthe possibility of lessening the malicious activities on social medianetworks. This research was to highlight features for identifyingspammers on Instagram and additional features were presentedto improve the performance of different machine learning algorithms. Performance of different machine learning algorithmsnamely, Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Random Forest (RF), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM)were evaluated on machine learning tools named, RapidMinerand WEKA. The results from this research tells us that RandomForest (RF) outperformed all other selected machine learningalgorithmsonbothselectedmachinelearningtools.OverallRandom Forest (RF) provided best results on RapidMiner. Theseresultsareusefulfortheresearcherswhoarekeentobuildmachine learning models to find out the spamming activities onsocialnetworkcommunities.

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