
Over the last number of years permanent exclusions from school have been monitored in England by the Department for Education and Employment (DfEE). The figures indicate an increase from 1991/92 when 2,910 pupils were permanently excluded to 1994/95 when the numbers were approximately 11,000. Research carried out by Parsons for the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE, 1996), based on reporting of exclusions by schools to the LEA put the number of permanent exclusions for the 1994/5 year at 13,400. Parsons explains the discrepancy between the two sets of figures as due to schools under-reporting the number of permanent exclusions in the DfEE research. However, it should be noted that the increase in exclusion rates is not uniform throughout the country; in some areas they have increased or remained static, while in others they have declined. For example, in Croydon a package of measures has led to a decrease in permanent exclusions from 179 in 1994/5 to 158 in 1995/6 (TES, 1996).

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