
Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd binding forms were examined on brown forest soil with clay illuviation, on clcareous chernozem and on meadow soil type. We applied one metal ion and the mixture of all at two different concentrations on the soils. Our results show all the four metal ions significantly bound to the mobile fraction on brown forest soils, while on calcareous chernozem and on meadow soil type they were mainly in other fractions. The higher heavy metal load and the presence of other metal ions increased the ratio of the mobile binding form.


  • Our results show all the four metal ions significantly bound to the mobile fraction on brown forest soils, while on calcareous chernozem and on meadow soil type they were mainly in other fractions

  • Megkötött mennyiség μg/g P1000 P300 R1000 R300 L1000 L300 G1000 G300 m egk ötött menny is ég μg/g

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Zn, Pb and Cd binding forms were examined on brown forest soil with clay illuviation, on clcareous chernozem and on meadow soil type. Our results show all the four metal ions significantly bound to the mobile fraction on brown forest soils, while on calcareous chernozem and on meadow soil type they were mainly in other fractions. The higher heavy metal load and the presence of other metal ions increased the ratio of the mobile binding form. A fémionok a talajban különböző talajalkotókhoz kötötten fordulnak elő. Mivel a különböző megkötődési formában kötött fémionok eltérő mértékben kerülnek be (a növényeken keresztül) a táplálékláncba, fontos annak vizsgálata, hogy az egyes nehézfém-ionok milyen arányban kötődnek a különböző talajalkotókhoz. Vizsgálataink célja a megkötött nehézfém-ionok kötésformáinak vizsgálata a különböző talajokon

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