
PurposePrevious studies reporting relaxation times within atherosclerotic plaque have typically used dedicated small-bore high-field systems and small sample sizes. This study reports quantitative T1, T2 and T2⁎ relaxation times within plaque tissue at 1.5 T using spatially co-matched histology to determine tissue constituents. MethodsTen carotid endarterectomy specimens were removed from patients with advanced atherosclerosis. Imaging was performed on a 1.5-T whole-body scanner using a custom built 10-mm diameter receive-only solenoid coil. A protocol was defined to allow subsequent computation of T1, T2 and T2⁎ relaxation times using multi-flip angle spoiled gradient echo, multi-echo fast spin echo and multi-echo gradient echo sequences, respectively. The specimens were subsequently processed for histology and individually sectioned into 2-mm blocks to allow subsequent co-registration. Each imaging sequence was imported into in-house software and displayed alongside the digitized histology sections. Regions of interest were defined to demarcate fibrous cap, connective tissue and lipid/necrotic core at matched slice-locations. Relaxation times were calculated using Levenberg-Marquardt's least squares curve fitting algorithm. A linear-mixed effect model was applied to account for multiple measurements from the same patient and establish if there was a statistically significant difference between the plaque tissue constituents. ResultsT2 and T2⁎ relaxation times were statistically different between all plaque tissues (P=.026 and P=.002 respectively) [T2: lipid/necrotic core was lower 47±13.7 ms than connective tissue (67±22.5 ms) and fibrous cap (60±13.2 ms); T2⁎: fibrous cap was higher (48±15.5ms) than connective tissue (19±10.6 ms) and lipid/necrotic core (24±8.2 ms)]. T1 relaxation times were not significantly different (P=.287) [T1: Fibrous cap: 933±271.9 ms; connective tissue (1002±272.9 ms) and lipid/necrotic core (1044±304.0 ms)]. We were unable to demarcate hemorrhage and calcium following histology processing. ConclusionsThis study demonstrates that there is a significant difference between qT2 and qT2⁎ in plaque tissues types. Derivation of quantitative relaxation times shows promise for determining plaque tissue constituents.

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