
To develop and perform ex vivo testing for a device designed for semiquantitative determination of intracorneal dissection depth during big bubble (BB) deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty. A prototype device connected to a syringe and cannula was designed to determine depth of intrastromal placement based on air rebound pressure emitted by a software controlled generator. Ex vivo testing of the device was conducted on human corneas mounted on an artificial anterior chamber in three experiments: (1) cannula purposely introduced at different depths measured with anterior segment optical coherence tomography, (2) cannula introduced as per the BB technique, and (3) simulation of the BB technique guided by the device. A positive pressure differential and successful BB were observed only when the cannula was positioned within 150 microns from the endothelial plane. In all successful BB cases (21/40), a repeatable increase in tissue rebound pressure was detected, which was not recorded in unsuccessful cases. The device was able to signal to the surgeon correct placement of the cannula (successful BB) in 16 of 17 cases and incorrect placement of the cannula (unsuccessful BB) in 8 of 8 cases (94.1% sensitivity, 100% specificity). In our ex vivo model, this novel medical device could reliably signal cannula positioning in the deep stroma for effective pneumatic dissection and possibly aid technical execution of BB deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty. A medical device that standardizes big bubble deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty could increase the overall success rate of the surgical procedure and aid popularization of deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty.

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