
Table of Contents 1. Evolution A history of the altruism-morality debate in biology Oren Harman The moral consequences of social selection Christopher Boehm Natural normativity: The is and ought of animal behavior Frans de Waal 2. Meta-ethics Empiricism and normative ethics: What do the biology and the psychology of morality have to do with ethics? Owen Flanagan, Aaron Ancell, Stephen Martin and Gordon Steenbergen Human nature and science Simon Blackburn Is a naturalized ethics possible? Philip Kitcher The origins of moral judgment Richard Joyce 3. Neuroscience and Development The neurobiological platform for moral values Patricia Smith Churchland The neuroscience of social relations. A comparative-based approach to empathy and to the capacity of evaluating others' action value Pier Francesco Ferrari A social cognitive developmental perspective on moral judgment Larisa Heiphetz and Liane Young Morality, intentionality, and intergroup attitudes Melanie Killen and Michael T. Rizzo 4. Religion Does religion make people moral? Ara Norenzayan Supernatural beliefs: Adaptations for social life or byproducts of cognitive adaptations? Vittorio Girotto, Telmo Pievani, Giorgio Vallortigara

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