
Introduction. The article analyzes various views expressed in domestic and foreign criticism on the problem of the boundaries and the degree of influence of ancient thought on the Christian tradition. The article analyzes the question not only about the distortion of the ancient philosophy of Christianity, but also about the legitimacy of the influence of the "Hellenic" Christianity itself on the cultures of other peoples. Special attention is paid to the analysis of similarities and differences in approaches to this issue in philosophical thought in the West and in Russian philosophy.Materials and Methods. The main material for this article is the monograph of G. V. Florovsky's "Christianity and Civilization: Selected works on theology and Philosophy", as well as an extensive article by P. B. Mikhailov – "The concept of Hellenization of Christianity in the history of theology". In addition, the research material is the works of other domestic and foreign authors analyzing the problem under consideration. The article uses the methods of comparative analysis, generalization and historical and philosophical analysis.Results. The analysis shows that the concept that arose in Protestantism, the substitution of evangelical preaching in the late Christian thought with alien ideas of ancient philosophy, has undergone an evolution. Modern criticism emphasizes that the accusation itself is based on the German philosophy of history, which does not accept the phenomenon of the Gospel as a Tradition, i.e., Traditions. In this way, it divides the Gospel and Tradition and closes the Gospel in a specific historical moment. According to the scholars, it is necessary to distinguish between the declaration of the substitution of the gospel by philosophy as a theoretical assumption, and historical reality, as a process of realization of the Good News that took place in the second century and in subsequent time. At present, the idea of the identity of the internal content of the confessional faith and the diversity of external, cultural forms of its expression is becoming relevant.Discussion and Conclusions. The author of the study managed to conduct a comparative and systematic analysis of the approaches that determine the strength and scope of the influence of ancient philosophy on Christian theology, in the works of both domestic and foreign thinkers. As a result, the author managed to carry out a comprehensive analysis of various approaches in assessing the degree of influence of ancient philosophy on Christian theology, as well as to trace the evolution of these ideas.


  • The article analyzes various views expressed in domestic and foreign criticism on the problem of the boundaries and the degree of influence of ancient thought on the Christian tradition

  • The analysis shows that the concept that arose in Protestantism, the substitution of evangelical preaching in the late Christian thought with alien ideas of ancient philosophy, has undergone an evolution

  • A Study оf Modern Orthodox Theologians from a Catholic

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В статье анализируются различные взгляды, высказанные в отечественной и зарубежной критике, на проблему о границах и степени влияния античной мысли на христианскую традицию. Материалом исследования являются труды других отечественных и зарубежных авторов, анализирующие рассматриваемую проблему. Проведенный анализ показывает, что возникшая в протестантизме концепция подмены евангельской проповеди в поздней христианской мысли чуждыми идеями античной философии претерпела эволюцию. Современная критика подчеркивает, что само обвинение строится на базе германской философии истории, в которой не принимается феномен Евангелия как Традиции, т.е. Автору исследования удалось провести сравнительный и системный анализ подходов, определяющих силу и объем влияния античной философии на христианское богословие, в трудах как отечественных, так и зарубежных мыслителей. В результате автору удалось осуществить комплексный анализ различных подходов в оценках степени влияния античной философии на христианское богословие, а также проследить эволюцию этих идей.

Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies
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