
Agile Enterprise Architecture (EA) is the process of infusing and managing enterprise architecture modeling and redesign efforts with principles of agile methods such as iterations and lean thinking for faster development times (Bloomberg 2013). Although increasingly prevalent, little research has been done regarding how organizations adopt methodological innovations of integrating agile methods with enterprise architecture. While past studies on agile EA have provided insights on how organizations can build enterprise architecture in increments through institutionalization (Isham 2008; Ross et al. 2006), there is little emphasis on how organizations adopt agile EA and how they transition is being made (Laanti 2014; Leffingwell 2007). Recently scholars have suggested exploring temporal dimensions of adoption across multiple stages to track the divergences in routines that emerge due to situated local practices of actors and meanings that evolve during such routine actions (Dionysiou et al. 2013; Feldman et al. 2003; Karahanna et al. 1999; Russo et al. 1995). We follow this logic in addressing our research questions and use recent advances in sequence analysis and use theory of symbolic interactionism to position our case. To this end, we conducted a field study in a top railroad company based in the United States, referred to as “Alpha” (a pseudonym). During the time period from 2011-2014, Alpha transitioned from traditional EA to agile EA during a corporate initiative to modernize services for digital transformation. Our analysis shows how meanings of enterprise architecture routine changed over time to create new ostensive aspects. Further, we identify four stages that enabled the transition to agile EA.

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