
The evolution of the Italian swordfish harpoon fishery as well as the crisis reasons and new related management actions were analyzed. Swordfish harpoon fishing has been practiced in Italian waters (Strait of Messina and nearby areas) since ancient times. During these centuries, it has maintained its artisanal features, although some technological innovations have been implemented during the last decades. The unsustainable competition with modern fishing activities (longlines, driftnets and related illegal gears) determined a drastic decrease of harpoon fleet: the number of vessels in the study area was 310 at the end of the 19th century and 13 in the 2016. The negative effects of the rapid increase of overall fishing effort on Mediterranean swordfish, during the second half of 20th century, have been in part attenuated by recent management regulations, such as the ban of driftnets and the temporal limitations to the use of longlines to avoid the catch of juveniles. Swordfish harpoon fishing is not comparable to other modern fishing activities in terms of catches or revenues, however it has a high social, cultural and historical importance and for these reasons the correct management of Mediterranean swordfish stock and this fishing activity are crucial points to be addressed. The analysis of current swordfish management actions and regulations as well as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats highlights that illegal fishing is among the main threats for the survival of harpoon fishing.

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