
Plant pathogens pose a major challenge to maintaining food security in many parts of the world. Where major plant pathogens are fungal, fungicide resistance can often thwart regional control efforts. Zymoseptoria tritici, causal agent of Septoria tritici blotch, is a major fungal pathogen of wheat that has evolved resistance to chemical control products in four fungicide classes in Europe. Compared with Europe, however, fungicide use has been less and studies of fungicide resistance have been infrequent in North American Z. tritici populations. Here, we confirm first reports of Z. tritici fungicide resistance evolution in western Oregon through analysis of the effects of spray applications of propiconazole and an azoxystrobin + propiconazole mixture during a single growing season. Frequencies of strobilurin-resistant isolates, quantified as proportions of G143A mutants, were significantly higher in azoxystrobin-sprayed plots compared with plots with no azoxystrobin treatment at two different locations and were significantly higher in plots of a moderately resistant cultivar than in plots of a susceptible cultivar. Thus, it appears that western Oregon Z. tritici populations have the potential to evolve levels of strobilurin resistance similar to those observed in Europe. Although the concentration of propiconazole required to reduce pathogen growth by 50% values were numerically greater for isolates collected from plots receiving propiconazole than in control plots, this effect was not significant (P > 0.05).

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