
Viruses serve as good model for evolutionary studies, owing to their short generation times and small genomes. Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) is a significant subject being multicomponent circular single stranded DNA virus. BBTV belongs to family Nanoviridae and contains DNA-R, -U3, -S, -M, -C, and -N as integral genomic components. Evolutionary studies have shown genetic re-assortment of components among its isolates and revealed a concerted type evolution in non-coding regions of its genome. The DNA U3 having been shown as the most diverse component in our previous studies, was subjected to sequencing from some Pakistani isolates for the first time. Sequence analysis revealed intergenomic recombination in DNA-U3 among the isolates of two sub-groups and a very rare intragenomic recombination in Pakistani BBTV population. This indicates that like other evolutionary processes including intergenomic recombination, intragenomic recombination among the genomic components of the same isolate may also have a significant contribution in the evolution of BBTV genome. Intragenomic recombination therefore appears to be a unique way to generate genetic diversity in the multicomponent ssDNA viruses.

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