
The 120-kDa rickettsial outer membrane protein (rOmpB) is encoded by a gene with the capacity to encode a protein of approximately 168 kDa. The carboxy-terminal end of the molecule is apparently cleaved to yield 120- and 32-kDa products. Both polypeptides are surface exposed and remain associated with the outer membrane of intact rickettsiae. All species of rickettsiae examined display similar cleavage of rOmpB. Comparison of diverse species of rickettsiae demonstrate a conserved N terminus of the 32-kDa fragment, with a predicted procaryotic secretory signal peptide immediately upstream of the proposed cleavage site. Coprecipitation of the 120-kDa rOmpB protein and the 32-kDa peptide by monoclonal antibodies specific for the 120-kDa portion of the molecule suggests that the two fragments remain noncovalently associated on the surface of rickettsiae. Analysis of an avirulent mutant of Rickettsia rickettsii revealed reduced amounts of the 120- and 32-kDa fragments, but with a correspondingly larger rOmpB protein that displayed properties expected of the putative precursor. This avirulent mutant grows intracellularly but fails to cause the lysis of infected cells that is typical of R. rickettsii. DNA sequence analysis of the region of the gene encoding the cleavage site of the avirulent strain revealed no difference from the sequence obtained from virulent R. rickettsii. The 168-kDa putative precursor of the avirulent strain of R. rickettsii was not extracted from the surface by dilute buffers, as is the 120-kDa protein of virulent R. rickettsii or R. prowazekii. These latter results suggest that the 32-kDa C-terminal region of the molecule may serve as a membrane anchor domain.

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