
Reception by PGLC-33H target cells for the migration inhibitory factor (MIF) produced by this established line has been investigated by pulse time and temperature dependence, MIF absorption, and abrogation by trypsinization. PGLC-33H supernatants containing MIF were concentrated 5× with Carbowax and dialyzed against serum free RPMI-1640 before use. Prior to standard capillary migration assay a minimum 30 min pulse of MIF at 37 °C is required for significant migration inhibition (MI > 20%). No significant MI is observed when cells are pulsed at 4 °C for up to 2 hr. Preincubation with PGLC-33H for 1 hr at 37 °C reduces activity of supernatants from 38 to 13% MI; at 4 °C to 27% MI. Trypsinization of target cells for 30 min at 25 °C abrogates response to MIF (43 to −14% MI). Trypsinized cells did not reduce activity of supernatants. MIF activity is abolished (32 to 3% MI) in samples preincubated with supernatants of the trypsinized cells inactivated with serum. These data suggest that cells from the human B-lymphoid cell line PGLC-33H have a surface receptor for human MIF.

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